Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Mini update for Wednesday, June 22.

First, a few things I forgot in the previous update, which you should read as well:
-I saw an elephant on my way to work one day. It was riding around in the back of a truck, which was blasting some sort of message (presumably about the elephant) over a loud speaker. It was a bit odd, but I guess elephants just sometimes get rides in the back of trucks here.
-I went kayaking in Halong Bay also, and it was awesome. Lavinia and I shared a kayak and coordinated well (but I was the one in the back, so I take all the credit). We explored a small section of the bay and went in search of mini-caves that we could kayak into. We found a few, but I have no pictures from that part because I was afraid of getting my camera wet.
-I had a motorbike lesson! (Don't freak out.) It's actually not too hard, and I'm going to continue to practice this week and then I think next week I'm going to rent one for the remainder of my time so that I can more easily explore the areas around Hanoi.

Now, about today:
When I got to work, the internet was down and I didn't really know what I could do without internet access, so I decided I would go exploring on my bicycle, with the vague idea that I would try to find the old quarter and maybe do some shopping. I wasn't quite sure how to get there, though, as I had no chance to check out Google maps and I didn't have a map of the city with me. So I made a few random turns but thought I had an idea of what direction I was going and after about an hour and a half I concluded that I was fully lost. Half an hour after that I called Sarah at work and tried to explain where I was so that someone could give me directions or come find me, but the internet was still down, and my phone died in the middle of the call. So I started riding back in the direction I had come, thinking it looked like it was getting too rural in front of me, and continued to try to go toward larger buildings. I stopped once for water and then again at a cafe that said it had free wifi thinking that perhaps it would have a computer that I could use as well. Alas, they did not. So I asked the servers if anyone spoke English. Again, a disappointing no. So I drew a crude map and managed to indicate that I wanted to know where I was, and that I wanted to know how to get to Big C (because I can get to work from there). It turned out I had ended up fairly close to work when I was at the Cafe and it only took a few minutes for me to get back after I got my basic directions figured out, and finally, after 3 hours of wandering the city on my bicycle, I arrived back at work, dehydrated and sunburned, but not too exhausted.

And now the internet is back AND I have work I can do! Basic statistics and learning SPSS, whee!

I really need to learn more Vietnamese.


  1. Jen!
    Whew...great post. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Thanks for answering our questions. I'll have to tell Zack about you trying snake. He specifically wanted to know if you ate dog. He heard that they eat dogs in Vietnam. I love lychee flavored fav. Madison was more interested in what souvenirs you've purchased vs necessities but it sounds like that is still on the 'to do' list. I love reading about all your adventures. It sounds like you are having a wonderful time and completely embracing every new experience. I felt for you w/ your newly found friends leaving but it sounds like meeting new friends comes pretty easy for you. We are heading to Missouri tmo to meet Beckett, they would LOVE to see you when you visit your new friend in St Louis. I've enjoyed your videos and photos on facebook as well. Thanks for keeping us posted on your amazing journey!!


  2. Motorbike? Now I really am going to worry. (Not freaking out.)
